Establishing Domicile (Residency)

  1. In order to demonstrate domicile, you must first meet the following threshold requirements:
    • Must have resided in Minnesota for at least one calendar year immediately prior to applying for in-state tuition AND
    • Residence in Minnesota must not be merely for the purpose of attending a college or university.
  2. If you meet both sub points above, you may complete this form and submit it, along with a preponderance of supporting evidence, to the 全球赌博十大网站 Admissions and Records Office.

All appeals and supporting documentation must be submitted prior to the first day of the term.

Establishing Domicile Form:

Word Doc – Establishing Domicile

PDF – Establishing Domicile

Drop off in the Admissions Office or mail to:

Rochester Community & Technical College
Admissions Office
851 30th Ave SE
Rochester, MN 55904